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Customized legal solutions

- Offering the best personalized attention is our priority -

We provide comprehensive legal advice and representation in the Criminal, Civil, Labor, Commercial and Immigration areas. If you are facing a problem, at JARA TERRÉS Abogados we can offer you the best representation. We operate in Madrid or throughout the national territory.
Our pillars are professionalism, personalized attention and a creative approach to litigation, which allows us to obtain exceptional results in Criminal, Civil and Labor areas, whether you are a natural or legal person.



-Satisfied customers-

Martha (Google Review)


He helped me a lot with my case from the beginning, explaining each step and advising me at all times. I highly recommend him, he is a lawyer with great sensitivity and professionalism. Certainly the best service I have seen so far; Thanks Jose.

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Contact the Office

Calle Mayor 6, Planta 2, Puerta  16, 28013, Madrid (Metro Sol)

(+34) 722 616 250

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